[read ebook] Light of Heaven: A Children's Book of Saints EBOOK EPUB KINDLE PDF

Description for Light of Heaven: A Children's Book of Saints
From the Author Jesus calls us his friends, and the saints are truly the best time-tested friends of all.� They loved and served our Lord with their lives, and in learning about them, we can do the same.� The bright and shining illustrations found in this book can't fully capture the glory God has bestowed on his beloved saints, but perhaps they can offer a glimpse of the joy found in leading such loving lives. Read more From the Inside Flap A beautiful way to introduce children to beloved saints. Created by artist Adalee Hude, each amazing illustration is rich with color and detail, reminiscent of magnificent stained-glass windows. Each page includes a Latin word associated with that particular saint, along with a brief discussion of the word's meaning. Holy Mary, Mother of God Saint Joseph Saint Elizabeth Saint Peter Saint Mary Magdalene Saint George Saint Augustine of Hippo Saint Patrick Saint Benedict Saint Francis of Assisi Saint Clare of Assisi Saint Catherine of Siena Saint Joan of Arc Saint Thomas More Saint Martin de Porres Saint Kateri Tekakwitha Saint Th�r�se of Lisieux Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska Saint Gianna Beretta Molla Saint Teresa of Calcutta Saint John Paul II This is sure to become a family favorite you'll reach for again and again as you teach children what it means to live holy lives. Read more About the Author Called away from a 15 year career in secular art, Adalee Hude now dedicates herself to more directly using her artistic gifts to praise God.� Jesus, the saints and sacred symbols have primary places in the work she does through her company, Brightly Hude Studio Inc. Adalee has also found herself involved in liturgical projects at Catholic churches, which is quite a blessing. She does illustration for various ministries and for her own book endeavors, which seem to be growing in number. When out of the studio, she sings in her parish choir, cooks with her husband, bakes pies and drinks many cups of tea.� Deo gratias! Read more

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