(READ) Angels, Ghosts and Other Bible Mysteries: A Biblical Dive into Heavenly Beings, Aliens, Monsters and more! EBOOK EPUB KINDLE PDF

Description of Angels, Ghosts and Other Bible Mysteries: A Biblical Dive into Heavenly Beings, Aliens, Monsters and more!
The Bible is a supernatural book that is crammed full of interesting creatures, powerful angelic beings, riveting stories, terrifying monsters, and this amazing central figure - Jesus - right in the middle of it all. Angels, Ghosts and Other Bible Mysteries covers the Bible facts and stories that you won't normally hear on Sunday morning. Did you know that angels don't actually have wings or halos? Did you know that there is a genuine ghost in the Old Testament? How about a 7-headed dragon in the New Testament? Have you heard the story - in the Bible - about how the disciples thought Jesus was a ghost...TWICE?! Do you believe that the only two spiritual beings mentioned in the Bible are angels and demons? If so, you might be surprised to find that the Bible also features watchers, cherubim, seraphim, sons of God, heavenly ministers and more. In this book you will learn what the Bible REALLY teaches about angels, the origin of Satan, the kind of creature that tempted Adam and Eve in the Garden, what happens when Christians die, what Heaven looks like, and whether Satan was an angel or not. Speaking of angels - were you aware that demons are probably not fallen angels? If you are interested in the paranormal or supernatural things, then the Bible is a fantastic book for you to read, and Angels, Ghosts and Other Mysteries of the Bible will help you understand many of the Bible's deepest and most difficult teachings. Does the Bible rule out the possibility of aliens? Why does the King James Version of the Bible mention unicorns several times - did unicorns live during biblical times? What exactly is the unpardonable sin that Jesus warned about, and how can I know if I've committed it? Did Jesus Christ really rise from the dead, or is that just a religious myth that Christians believe? In addition to answering the above questions, the book also extensively discusses some episodes of spiritual warfare, and even 'haunting's that have been experienced by church leaders and pastors in the past. Were you aware that the childhood home of John and Charles Wesley (the founder of Methodism and his brother, the author of hymns like 'Hark the Herald Angel Sings) was supposedly haunted by a terrifying poltergeist that the Wesley children dubbed, "Old Jeffrey?" Did you know that Charles Spurgeon told many a ghostly tale, and once encountered a ghostly figure himself? (Well...read the book - it wasn't exactly a ghost...) Lovers of mystery, lovers of the paranormal and lovers of the Bible will find much to enjoy - and learn from - in Angels, Ghosts and Other Mysteries of the Bible.

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