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Description for The Doctor of Mercy: The Sacred Treasures of St. Gregory of Narek
Review 'In The Doctor of Mercy, Papazian makes a distinctive contribution by providing the most comprehensive introduction to St. Gregory of Narek, a medieval mystic who experienced and expressed a reality not easily comprehended. The book touches upon everything conceivable about the Saint and his works and does so in an appealingly clear fashion. Papazian acts as a guide who takes the reader on a tour to meet the Saint in his time and place, explaining all along the things encountered on the way and those to be expected upon arrival. Then comes the embrace.'Abraham Terian, Emeritus Professor of Armenian Theology and Patristics, St. Nersess Armenian Seminary'This is an important book which makes a real contribution to the field of Church history and historical theology, with a depth of research enough for scholars but very accessible so that anyone can read it. I found the book very satisfying and enlightening. Well worth the time of anyone interested in the history of doctrine and spirituality, but the book also demonstrates why the study of Gregory is relevant and worthwhile in our time. I especially appreciated the way the author connects Christological implications to artistic depictions of Christ, demonstrating that all art teaches something about its subject.' Jim L. Papandrea, Professor of Church History and Historical Theology, Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary Read more About the Author Michael Papazian is professor of philosophy at Berry College in Rome, Georgia. After completing his philosophy doctorate at the University of Virginia, he studied classical Armenian at Oxford University. He publishes on ancient Greek philosophy and medieval Armenian theology, most recently a book-length translation of an eighth-century Armenian commentary on the Gospels, Step�anos Siwnets�i: Commentary on the Four Evangelists (SIS Publications, 2014). Read more

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