[R.E.A.D] Take Back Your Life: The Power Prayer to Banish Satan (Christian Spiritual Warfare Books / Powerful Armor Against Demons) [PDF Ebook]
Description for Take Back Your Life: The Power Prayer to Banish Satan (Christian Spiritual Warfare Books / Powerful Armor Against Demons)
If you want to be free NOW from the dark forces plaguing your life, keep reading ...Do you struggle to live a joyful, healthy and prosperous life even though you live according to Christian principles? Despite your best efforts, do things always seem to go wrong for you and your loved ones? Are you slowly losing hope and can’t help feeling some kind of power is working against you?The fact is that an unseen enemy is seeking to destroy your health, your relationships, your children, your mental health and your future. He is a cunning, masterful and patient enemy who will not stop until he has laid waste to your life and those around you.My name is Celeste Brown and I am a mother of three from Wisconsin. Ten years ago I found myself on the brink of divorce, my health was deteriorating fast, my children were failing at school and I was in a constant state of mental distress. I prayed, attended church and was a good Christian, yet my life continued to fall apart.My life changed when I confided my problems to a retired pastor. He suggested the malign influence of Satan and then disclosed a prayer that, he claimed, had the ability to cast him out of my life. I didn’t for a minute believe that Satan was causing my misfortunes, yet I had hit rock bottom and was willing to try anything. So in Christian fellowship I accepted the prayer and took heed of his instructions on how to use it to best effect.A week after using this prayer a huge weight lifted off my chest and I felt clear and pain-free for the first time in years. I actually felt the mental fog, sickness and dark energy evaporate. Only after I tasted this sweet freedom did I know beyond doubt that I had been in the grip of the Devil. No other power could have laid waste to my life and household so thoroughly for all these years.However, I also knew beyond doubt that this prayer was my new spiritual armor that would never allow dark forces to enter my life again. I now had a weapon against Satan and, like the coward he is, he went off looking for easier defenseless prey.I was able to save my marriage and show my children a more productive path for their lives. Seeing the changes in those you love is truly the greatest blessing. Since that time I have shared this prayer with many who were in need and it has not failed to bring change for the better. Now with God’s grace and guidance I have been able to release this book to spread the teaching.This is a concise 40-page book that gets right to the point and arms you with the knowledge to defeat the Devil. There's no need to read hundreds of pages of theory before you can take action. You can start using the prayer TODAY.You will discover:✅ The EXACT prayer that will drive out Satan and his dark influence from your life FOR GOOD✅ Instructions on HOW to use the prayer so it is 100% effective✅ How to make sure no dark forces can harm you again in future✅ How to open the way for abundance in your life✅ How to ensure your loved ones come under the prayer’s protection and are NEVER harmedThis small book is all you need to defeat Satan and make your life the miracle it was meant to be. You will be saved even if you have prayed without result in the past, even if you have tried countless strategies to turn your life around and they have all failed. This WILL work for you as it has done for countless others.I strongly encourage you to join the thousands who are now immune to the dark designs of Satan. Do this for yourself and for your family. Health, good fortune and prosperity await you and those you love.If you are ready to take back your life today then scroll up and click Add to Cart now
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