[R.E.A.D] I Wish I Lived in a Treehouse (The Adventures of Scout & Kit) Online eBook

Description for I Wish I Lived in a Treehouse (The Adventures of Scout & Kit)
Review What parents and teachers are saying: 'I'm so in love with this book!''I DID live in a tree house when I was growing up! It was as great as every kid's fantasy!''The rhyme and whimsical illustrations are simply outstanding!''This book is a perfect fit for our K-5 audience!' Read more About the Author Elise Monsour Puckett is the author of The Adventures of Scout & Kit series. She is a graduate of Roanoke College with a bachelor's degree in Business Administration. Elise is a writer, author, poet, and storyteller (to her children). She grew up in the little town of Salem, Virginia, and now lives nestled in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains. Elise is happily married to a spitfire redhead and is the mother of two beautiful, silly children with great, big imaginations! She gets her inspiration from her children, nature, her inventive father, and her mother, whose dream is to write children's books and poetry. In her children's playroom is where she does most of her writing, but Elise also enjoys creating her stories while sitting on a picnic blanket outside on a beautiful summer day, and while watching her children catch lightning bugs on sweet summer nights. It is Elise's dream that her stories bring smiles to the faces of children everywhere and sprinkle each child's day with a little bit of magic when reading her books.Tessa Riley is the talented illustrator behind The Adventures of Scout and Kit children's book series. The whimsical details in her art are one of the many reasons Elise handpicked her to illustrate these magical books. Born in Georgia, Tessa then moved to Missouri, where she spent ten years of her childhood. She now lives in Afton, Virginia, Blacksburg, Virginia, and is a Virginia Tech graduate with a bachelor's degree in Visual Communication Design and a minor Art History. Tessa loves the outdoors and hiking with her dog, Roadie. She also enjoys running cross-country and is a former track athlete for Virginia Tech. One of Tessa's passions is traveling and seeking inspiration for her watercolor illustrations while visiting new faraway places. Read more

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