Read PDF The Complete Story of Sadako Sasaki: and the Thousand Paper Cranes [PDF Ebook]

Description of The Complete Story of Sadako Sasaki: and the Thousand Paper Cranes
Review 'My grandfather, Harry S. Truman, never spoke to me about the atomic bombings of Japan. Like most Americans, I learned about them in school�Sadako Sasaki's story was the first human story of the bombings I'd ever read. It led me to [her brother] Masahiro and two visits to Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the second�to record survivor testimony for the Truman Presidential Library. In all that time, Masahiro rarely told his own version of his family's story, preferring to focus on his sister's courage and selflessness. Now, we have the full story of the courage and selflessness of the entire Sasaki family, their friends and the people of Hiroshima.' �Clifton Truman Daniel, Grandson of President Harry S. Truman'Focusing on one person's story opens the possibility of becoming engaged in the abolition of nuclear weapons. If a mere one hundred explode, every person's life on this frail planet will suffer beyond normal imagination and we must never let that happen.' �Jonathan Granoff, President, Global Security Institute'Through reading the story of Sadako Sasaki you will know that the abolition of nuclear weapons and the rejection of war are the only path to survival for mankind. As you read the unbearable tragedy brought by the atomic bombing, you will learn the real meaning of 'to live' from Sadako, who patiently fought against an incurable disease that was so hard to endure.' �Dr. Tadatoshi Akiba, Former Mayor, Hiroshima, Japan'The Complete Story of Sadako Sasaki reminds us of our essential goodness and belongs in libraries, classrooms, and homes everywhere. Sadako inspires us to connect with others, recognize their needs, and act accordingly regardless of our personal circumstances. Omoiyari-no-kokoro, the act of showing empathy and concern, is demonstrated over and over again, as both Sadako and the authors offer us an opportunity to understand the joy of living beyond ourselves.' �Dr. Dorothy J. Maver, President, National Peace Academy'[This] book was written to inform young readers of Sadako's struggle and to inspire them to take action for peace. I believe it succeeds on both counts.' �Dr. David Krieger, President, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation Read more About the Author Sue DiCicco was one Disney's first women animators, and is a sculptor and prolific author and illustrator of children's books. An early pioneer of the Internet, she designed and crafted the first online schoolhouse, serving up to 300,000 per event in the 1990s. As part of her desire to creatively connect students from all parts of the world, she founded the Peace Crane Project in 2012. Today, Sue speaks globally, inviting listeners to explore the potential of the Internet to connect students in creating a more understanding, educated, integrated, and peaceful future. She lives in Santa Barbara, California.Masahiro Sasaki has been a peace activist since his teens. Since 2000 he has dedicated himself to sharing Sadako's true story and bearing witness to the plight of all atomic war survivors in the world. He was the first non-American to receive the Spirit of America Award from the National Council for the Social Studies. In 2009 he established The Sadako Legacy, a nonprofit organization. He has donated Sadako's cranes to venues all over the world. Today, he lectures globally and promotes activities to connect people for peace. He lives in Fukuoka, Japan. Read more

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