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Curse of the Bone Dragon

Description for Curse of the Bone Dragon

Cancer and curses. Dragons and death. One boy must face them allAcute lymphoblastic leukemia and an undead dragon have one thing in common. They both want to take eleven-year-old Ryan Stark’s life.When Ryan dares to steal the ruby heart of a long dead dragon, a deadly hex takes hold. The monster’s curse creeps into his heart and will slowly transfer his life and soul to the dragon. Shortly after, the imaginary world he shares with his twin sister,Cassie, melds with the real world. Along with the dragon’s life-stealing curse, he is diagnosed with blood cancer. Then, both worlds descend into darkness.Like a ticking time bomb, Ryan must destroy the cancer before it is too late. He must also defeat a dragon that grows stronger with each passing day. When chemotherapy fails and the dragon is nearly whole again, Ryan runs out of options.Cancer and the dragon’s curse will conquer his soul and take his life if he cannot conjure the strength he needs to defeat them.* *Inspired by the author's own battle with cancer, Curse of the Bone Dragon was written to be an inspiration for any young person going through such a harrowing experience. As the story shifts from imaginary world to real world between chapters, it details family struggles and personal growth through dark times. These struggles can quickly compound for anyone going through such dire matters, and they can become outright overwhelming to the point where giving up would be so much easier. Curse of the Bone Dragon, in essence, is a story about finding the hope, courage, and strength to survive such daunting battles.


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