[PDF EBOOK EPUB] UNS*UCK YOURSELF!: The Guide To Designing A Life You Love

[PDF EBOOK EPUB] UNS*UCK YOURSELF!: The Guide To Designing A Life You Love

[PDF EBOOK EPUB] UNS*UCK YOURSELF!: The Guide To Designing A Life You Love [PDF Ebook]

UNS*UCK YOURSELF!: The Guide To Designing A Life You Love

Description of UNS*UCK YOURSELF!: The Guide To Designing A Life You Love

Part of what makes this journey so powerful is the insight gained from examining your life. Many people who are stuck have spent a lot of time investing in creating a story that explains why they are stuck. Often, it is a well-rehearsed tale that draws on the wounds of the past. Our past stories have more power over us than we realize. The wrong kind of stories can paralyze us.Sometimes it’s not the stories from our past that keep us stuck. Many people live in a state of stuckness because they are delaying until a future time when everything is finally perfect. (I wish! If anyone has that info, please let me know the date, and I will circle it in my calendar!) It is easy to think that if we just wait a little longer, somehow something will magically change and get us unstuck. (In spite of this never happening before!)One thing I can tell you about Fluid Thinking is that it needs input from you for it to work. You have to be the one making the choices about what changes you want to see in your life, not the changes your partner or your boss or your mother wishes you would make. You are steering this ship. Writing out your own wants and desires is what will spark the change that gets you uns*uck, not whatever you think is “supposed” to be the right answer.You will start to gain real traction on your path as you learn about others who have done their own work to leave their past behind and began to live for the present. Part of the challenge of getting unstuck is fighting the feeling that you are alone in your struggle. Trust me, I know. That feeling can really weigh you down over time. But when you can start the day without the burdens of the past on your shoulders, you can make better decisions and choose new outcomes. Find your inspiration in those stories and begin to write your own story, with a better future than you previously thought possible. One of the big breakthrough moments for many of my clients comes when they let down their barriers about “knowing” what they should do and finding the momentum to finally launch themselves into action. When you go beyond the rehearsed answers (excuses) you’ve given yourself for years, you can tell your authentic story and find the reasons that will motivate you on the path to living a designed life.Starting on that fresh path will mean that you have to stretch yourself in new ways. You will find a menu of possibilities to keep you focusing on the road ahead. Learn how to harness your power with various tools like meditation, journaling, and practicing gratitude. As you work through the workbook exercises in UNS*UCK Yourself, you will find that some techniques seem very natural to you and others will take time to grow on you. My clients often find that the tools they resisted at first became some of the most influential in making the changes they were searching for. Discover the role of faith in all of this, and how you can partner with G.O.D, the Great Overall Designer, to create your life. The results are so powerful—I have seen it over and over again. There’s a lot of good stuff ahead of you in this book. There are probably some things that you aren’t going to like to hear, as well. (That’s okay. Truth is like spinach, kids. You may not like it, but it’s good for you.) Are you getting excited yet? I am because I know the path ahead. You have been dreading the possibility that being stuck was the only way your story ends, but I have good news, baby: you are at the beginning. Come on with me and find the magic as you start to UNS*UCK Yourself.


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