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Be Loved

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Review �In her inspiring and upbeat new book, Emma Mae Jenkins shares about her single-minded devotion to Christ and her desire to extend his love and compassion to others. As she describes reaching out to her peers right where the Lord has placed her, I believe readers will be encouraged to consider how God is calling them to do the same.�Jim Daly, President, Focus on the Family �Emma�s love for God and his word is absolutely contagious. Watching the way she lives her life with a consistent and jubilant faith and a complete and total dependence on God has been an inspiration to me. Be Loved reflects Emma�who she is and how she lives her life, but even more importantly it reflects the God she serves wholeheartedly. I�m so excited for you to read it!� Bella Robertson, Actress and television personality �Emma is changing culture by loving people well. Be Loved is a treasury of wisdom and truth that will help young women navigate constant transition, cultural lies, and the lies to self. Emma provides ideas to influence your campus, turn negative thoughts into truth, and grow intimately with God. How beautifully illustrated, creative, and relatable it is. Be Loved is a must-read that will strengthen your identity. If you get this, you get what really matters.�Elizabeth Britt Bramel, Director, NWA Beautiful Girls Retreat; founder of NWA Momentum Ministries �Solomon said, �A joyful heart is good medicine.� Be Loved is good medicine! I can�t wait to get a copy for my teenage daughter. Through telling her story and sharing key Scriptures, Emma Mae offers readers a full dose of gospel joy with a spoonful of gladness�straight from her heart. She doesn�t just tell you to put on joy; she takes you by the hand and walks there�straight to Christ.�Marty Machowski, Family pastor; author of The Ology, Long Story Short, and other gospel-rich resources for church and home �Emma Mae Jenkins is the real deal. She radiates the love of Christ. The pages of her book do the same. Full of beauty and truth, Be Loved sings the anthem all young women desperately need to hear: �Because of Jesus, you are fully known and fully loved.� I can't wait for our daughters to read it!�Drew Hill, Pastor; award-winning author of Alongside: Loving Teenagers with the Gospel �In the midst of my own teenagers� fears, insecurities, and self-doubt, what I want them above all to remember is God�s never-ceasing look of love toward them. Be Loved is a book about just that�a girl met by a God whose radiant love rewrites the narrative of her thoughts, sets her free from self, and by his grace gives her the creativity to love others well. What a gift Emma Mae and this book will be to the many teen girls thirsty to know God�s smile.�Kristen Hatton, Author of The Gospel-Centered Life in Exodus for Students, Face Time: Your Identity in a Selfie World, and Get Your Story StraightBe Loved is an engaging way to journey through Scripture with Emma Mae Jenkins. She has used her vast experience and wisdom to captivate her audience through vivid pictures and vibrant colors. Emma Mae has proven her godly character. I�ve never met a person in all my life as happy, glowing, loving, and enthused about life as Emma. She is truly one in all the world.�Dr. Joe White, President, Kanakuk Kamps �Girl. After these ten sweet, life-breathing, truth-telling, chapters, I have to warn you: Your heart will be so contagiously inspired to live out your own beloved journey. There�s no going back! Emma�s love for Jesus and this side of heaven shines through each intentional story told. And who doesn�t love pretty colors and pictures? Sister. This is the book for you.� Georgia Brown, Leader, The Point College Ministry �Emma�s joy for the Lord does not go unnoticed, whether you know her firsthand or through social media. Now her joy is available to hold in your hands with this sweet outpouring of her heart in Be Loved! Her authenticity and genuine joy bounce off the pages through both her words and art. This is a must-read for every young woman looking for a way to own her faith and grow deeper with Jesus. You will feel encouraged by truth, Scripture, and guided prayer to believe you are deeply loved just as you are.�Hannah Morrison, Blogger at The Cake by Hannah �The book is so beautiful and so fun. Cover to cover, each page artfully presents Scriptures that Emma Jenkins recites to celebrate each day. She shares her heart for God�s Word�and God�s heart for his girls. On each page and in each illustration, sweet words and strong faith come together in Emma�s inspirational writings. Put it in your backpack or by your bed, ready for your own time with God.� Joneal Kirby, Family Counselor and director, Heartfelt Ministries Read more About the Author Debut author Emma Mae Jenkins is a social media influencer, writer, speaker, and YouTuber with the sole purpose of leading others into a relationship with Jesus, sharing this chain-breaking freedom, and being a vessel of God s Word. Emma Mae chronicled her journey through high school on social media and has inspired thousands of young people to live their faith freely and with courage. You can find her on Instagram at 1corinthians13_love. Read more


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